Babe Brew: Inspirator Doppelbock

Something in the Water Brewing Co.

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  • Regular price $16.80
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We're pumped to release our second collab with Roxy, Rachel, and the entire Beer Babes Family on this release! Our own tapmaster, Tea, spearheaded things with the recipe, and was the head of brewing for the actual brew day. Oh, and don't forget $1 from every can and pour goes to the Beer Babes Family!

What You'll Love About It

This “double bock” is a traditional, dark & malty Munich lager that is notoriously good for pairing with food such as rich meats, charcuterie boards, and even desserts.

How It's Made

The recipe was provided by SITW Tapmaster, and Beer Babe Family member, Tea Cesario. It features five German malts with the standard for German noble hops, fermented on our house lager strain sourced from the almost 700-year-old Augustiner Brewery in Munich.

Why No Body of Water Name?

Doppelbocks traditionally have names that end in -ator, and given its creation with the Beer Babe Family, we all felt Inspirator was the perfect choice.

How To Enjoy It

At 7-13° Celsius you'll get a journey of flavours and aromas from this delightfully complex lager. Don't forget to pair it with rich and fatty foods!

Did You Know?

$1 from every can and pour goes to the Beer Babes Family, who use it to provide grants for women in beer globally!